Share Your Prayer Request

At Christian FM, we believe in the power of prayer to uplift, heal, and connect us. We invite you to be part of the Christian FM Prayer Community by sharing your prayer requests and praying for others.

Click on the prayer, love or care icons below to let the community know they're not alone and that you're praying for them.

ℹ️ To keep the prayer wall fresh, requests will expire after 90 days. If your need continues, please resubmit your request so we can keep praying with you.

Household Items

by anonymous

I pray God provide me with the money to be able to get the household items that I need for my apartment. I haven’t been able to get a lot. God knows the details.

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Pray icon - inactive Pray icon - active 8 Love icon - inactive Love icon - active 0 Prayer icon - inactive Prayer icon - active 1

Looking for a Home

by Richard

Hi please help me to pray for a place that my family can call home.

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Pray icon - inactive Pray icon - active 8 Love icon - inactive Love icon - active 0 Prayer icon - inactive Prayer icon - active 1

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