Share Your Prayer Request

At Christian FM, we believe in the power of prayer to uplift, heal, and connect us. We invite you to share your prayer requests with our community, entrusting your hopes, struggles, and dreams. As you seek support, we also encourage you to offer your prayers for others. Together, let’s create a circle of faith and compassion, where every voice is heard and every prayer is cherished. Join us in this journey of faith, support, and love.


Prayer Feed

Husband’s health

Pray for my husband as he is going for a PET scan and lung blood test to determine if nodules on his lung are malignant

Pray for my husband Ricardo

Pray for him as he got CT scan showing 2 new nodules on his lung. now he has to go for PET scan

For me and my family

I don’t know who will read this but I’m sitting in my car listening to your station and all I can do is cry. I sometimes wonder why I’m here when I feel so alone. I walking on this road with God by myself and I need prayer. My husbands not saved, my kids dont want to come to church with me, my parents don’t know God, my siblings don’t believe and I’m just trying to figure out with God has me here when no one around me believes. I was adopted and found out I was stolen from my birth mother and my whole life I’ve felt like an outcast. So why? Why am I here when. I have no one to walk with. If anyone sees this please pray for me. Because today I just wanna give up. I just don’t have strength to keep going!!! Please!!!!!!

Pray for my husband Ricardo

Pray for my husband Ricardo’s Lung CT He has emphysema and pray that there are no changes in his CT